Tuesday, October 23, 2012



Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My Weekend

きんようびに Cafe Frida へおばとばんごはんをたべました。おばは Brown だいがくのせんせいです。どようびのあさちかてつでともだちと Times Square へいきました。ごごじゅうにじにきっぷをかいました。それからごごにじにともだちと "Newsies" をみました。にちようびにわたしのへやでべんきょうしました。


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Starting Japanese

During the past few years I have been interested in the culture and history of East Asia, and now I am potentially interested in majoring in East Asian Studies. To further my studies of the area and allow myself to study abroad in the future, I decided to start Japanese language this term. I really enjoy foreign languages, particularly Spanish, which I have studied for several years now. While learning Japanese is in many ways very different from learning Spanish, I am enjoying it just as much. One of the most exciting parts of Japanese is learning the characters. This is my first time learning a new script, but I have found it relatively easy and very fun (certainly more interesting than the English alphabet!). I'm proud that after only a few weeks I am able to read and write hiragana. Sometimes class is difficult because I feel that I have less of a background in Japanese language than many other students in the class. It still takes me a while to process what I'm hearing and what I want to say. I also have to read hiragana pretty slowly, sounding out each character. It's getting easier, though, and I still feel that I'm able to keep up with the class reasonably well. Overall, I am having a fantastic experience with Japanese and I am looking forward to the rest of the semester!


はじめまして。ヘイリーボルクです。アメリカじんです。マサチューセッツ からきました。バーナード だいがくのいちねんせいです。じゅうはっさいです。どうぞよろしく。